2024 Awards

2024 Howard Crosby Warren Medal
Dr. Robert L. Goldstone , Indiana University
Citation: “For elucidating human cognition and learning on both individual and collective levels.”
Dr. Robert Goldstone’s research spans several domains of cognition, with a primary focus on exploring human learning. In the last five years, his laboratory has conducted research in three main areas: 1) collective behavior, 2) applying cognitive science to improving educational outcomes, and 3) developing and empirically testing models of how people learn to perceive and to categorize their world. In each area, he has spearheaded conceptual and technological breakthroughs relevant to both science and practice.
For his most recent contributions to the study of human learning and cognition, the Society of Experimental Psychologists awards the 2024 Howard Crosby Warren Medal to Robert L. Goldstone.
2024 Norman Anderson Lifetime Achievement Award
Dr. Doug Medin, Northwestern University
Citation: "For his paradigm-changing work on human cognition, especially categorization, bringing insights from other sciences that helped shed light on cognition from a cultural perspective."
Dr. Douglas Medin has made seminal contributions to our understanding of learning, memory, attention, categorization, and decision making. He has revolutionized the study of categories and concepts, not just once, but several times in succession. His work on folk biology broke new ground, and led to broadening cognitive psychology to include insights from anthropology and other sciences, as well as to seeking to understand the universality and specificity of the human mind in cultural context.
For his significant empirical and conceptual contributions to the study of human learning and cognition, the Society of Experimental Psychologists awards the 2024 Norman Anderson Lifetime Achievement Award to Doug Medin.